Treatment by Music Therapy

Raga Therapy
Raga therapy is the clinical based use of musical interventions for physical, emotional, social and spiritual well being of clients.
Raga therapy is the musical interventions in order to restore, cure, improve, emotional, psychological, physical and cognitive skills. Ragas are composed of musical notes. Musical notes like sharp notes and major notes, ragas are specific according to the time period like morning raga, afternoon raga, evening raga and night raga. Ragas for sleeplessness, relaxation, peace of mind, overcome fear, anxiety, depression, headache, nervous system disorder, learning disability and psychological disorders.
Ragas effects to the neural circuit and stimulates nervous system. Ragas enhance biological nature of the memory. The swaras/notes of the selected ragas are played in such a way to activate the potential chemical agent. Raga therapy stimulus beta cell activities. It enhances quality of neural engram, neurotransmitters, reduces hypertension, reduces unaccompanied explicit behavioural manifestations. Raga therapy helps better reasoning.
RAGA Therapy for :
Concentrating and Memory
Learning takes place only with memory. Learning is the process of building up memories for future use. Neural basis for retention is enhance termed as ‘engram’. Memory is the ‘static residual of past activity in a concentration & memory neural pathway. Each learning trial involves reactivating the same neural circuit. Eventually, the circuit is in some sense permanently modified, and when it is stimulated only partially later, the entire circuities reactivated.
Music enhances the bio-chemical nature of the memory. The swaras/notes of the selected ragas are played in such a way to activate the potential chemical agent. The individual memory is the prime satisfying aspect in the therapy. Raga as a refined sound gets into the neural circuit to take its own specified neural path. There are a number of chemical substances are involved in the “memory molecule”.
The selected ragas are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/ swaras and the way it has been essayed. These ragas helps to activate the neural circuit and enhance the concentration of the individual.
Depression has become a common terminology being utilized by everyone alike. Unable to comprehend the incidents or events in the right spirit may be one of the reasons for landing in depression.
Comprehending the activities of others in the social situation, either in the classroom, in the midst of peers, understanding the concepts toward studies, even it applies while learning to play a new game in the case of children. Every individual should be trained to develop a clear thinking process as habit. Too much negative thinking may also lead to depression.
Depression in the clinical sense is the extreme version of the more ordinary emotion of sadness and low spiritedness. During depression the activities of brain is considerably reduced especially in the frontal areas. On account of this, activities pertaining to the frontal areas of brain may not be able approached or comprehend clearly. The number works and planning will be of substandard level. To come out of this there are many techniques available in the health awareness field. With out much side effects and positive after effects, Ragas with specific notes enhances activity in the frontal areas of brain.
The present day heavy schedule in everybody’s life deprives many normal needs of individuals. In that many needs, sleep is also one among the many, and it is the basic requirement for an individual to get along with his daily routines. If we deprive ourselves from sleep for 36 hours continuously the normal function of the brain gets disturbed and the balance is at stake. The level of Serotonin is sleep & reduced and the relaxing mind also gets feeble. Hence normal sleep relaxation of six to eight hours in a day without disturbance is a must for every individual. But the requirement of sleep hours may vary individually. Sleep is restorative, during sleep some of the vital substance gets re synthesized in the nervous system. Anyhow for the so called normal and for the disturbed individuals classical music does a wonderful effect on their sleep patterns. Specific ragas with selected notes with its vibration gives relief from stress and makes the individual get relaxed and go for sleep.
The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed.
Creativity is a commodity which is in short supply. It is and should valued by all segments of the society. World wide Psychologists use the term creativity, synonymously with imagination, originality, divergent thinking, inventiveness, intuition, venturesome ness, exploration, giftedness and so on. Creative imagination, fantasy and problem solving ability related to unorganized thought processes. Doubtless there are aspects of personality, motivation, will ( that is qualities other than purely cognitive ones) which are involved in creativeness.
To be creative it requires a thorough knowledge of the subject and do actions innovatively. Only two percent of the total population are rated as gifted people. The brain must have the fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking to music tons enhance creative ability.
Music is regarded as activity of the brain, which enhances the functions of the cognitive domain. Just give children an opportunity to experience and enjoy creating with music.
The classical music with selected ragas and specific emphasis on certain notes enhances the creative curve of mind which shapes the intellectual approach of the individual. Unorganized thought processes gets streamlined. The selected ragas helps toward better creative ability.
Headache is medically known as cephalalgia ,sometime spells as cephalgia is a condition of pain in the head. It ranks amongst the most common local pain complaints. Headache have a wide variety of causes ranging from strain to eyes, sinusitis and tension. There may be other life threatening situations also leads to headache. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Some time it occurs recurrently even without any reason or real tension. These headaches disturbs the routine of the individual. Individuals experience headache dehydrated or suffering from caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Treatment of uncomplicated headaches are usually symptomatic, with painkillers it vanishes!
Some specific forms of headache like migraine will demand better suitable treatment. Here in this angle music plays an innovative role headache & in helping the individual to overcome the severity and intensity of the migraine. Regular exposure to classical music reduces the duration also. Migraine pain is one symptom of several to many disorders of the serotonergic control system- dual hormone neurotransmitter- with numerous types of receptors. Music has a influence on the Neurotransmitters, it does the necessary job for the one who expose to music as therapy in reducing the severity and intensity of the headache.
The selected ragas are played in such a way to enhance the serotonergic function qualitatively and helps to diminish the severity of headaches.
The present day heavy schedule on individuals and work pressure, tolls first the mindset and then many organs. The beating heart is a music for delicate mechanism, that is highly sensitive to emotion – provoking situations.
Many research and several independent studies relate emotional circumstances to physiological conditions effecting cardiovascular function as well as to the cardiovascular pathology. When the work pressure was greatest, serum cholesterol fell and whole- blood clotting time was accelerated. Like that when work pressure is reduced these things will also come to normality.
Classical music with its unique swara/note structure ensures calm and cosy mind by exposure and subdues the emotion provoking situations. Music plays an effective role in subduing the so called emotional imbalance. The selected ragas are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/ swaras and the way it has been essayed.
Peace of Mind
There are occasions in an individuals’ life that we feel with nagging thought of negative nature and finding very difficult to come out of it. In many aspect it jeopardises the routine too. In quite few occasions peace of mind it even disturbs the cognitive process of the mind. This reaction is same for the positive nature of thought process also. It is the basic principle that we should act according the situation aptly and judiciously plan for the betterment. This can be achieved by regular practise, to take things as it comes and do the actions accordingly. We hear often, people say, that ‘I could not take any decision, my mind is very much blank’ in this angle music does a good service to the needy to clear their mind and help to get the required solutions.
The selected ragas enhances the quality of thought process in the individual. Few exposures to the sessions makes a whole world of difference in the individual’s activities.
Sound was born with humans. Gesture and sound conveys message. The tone level reveals the mood expressed by an individual. Pleasant tunes transfer good vibrations in the atmosphere. Good and correct music brings in the good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners. Music is a direct experience before being translated into pregnancy & thought and feeling.
The South Indian classical music has an impact on the individual moods and behaviour. The sole and prime motto of all physicians who practice, is to give the best treatment to the patient. This can be attained either through medicine or through some therapeutic aids ; which works both as supplement and complement to medicine. Many times it acts as complementary. In the realm of many types of therapies available in the medical field, Music Therapy is also one of the promising field, In the present study music therapy (sound stimulation) tried in the Gynaecology area on pregnant women.
Stress is the most imprecise word in the scientific dictionary. The music, overcome present day heavy schedule of work and other activities extols the individuals positive mind set. Stress has become a major buzzword and legitimate concern of the times. Stress is an inevitable part of everyday life for everyone.
Stress is of two types. One is positive other is negative. Negative stress leads to physiological problems which in turn leads to psychosomatic problems. Continuous exposure to stress, the individual’s psychological and physiological resources become depleted; leads to gastrointestinal problems. Stress either positive or negative music plays a wonderful role in overcoming the same. Ragas with specific notes with its vibration gives relief from stress and helps maintain freshness of the mind.
Listening to music as habit as an exposure, enhances the quality of some chemicals in the brain neurotransmitters-which are helpful in restoring clam and relaxation. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed.
Pain Relief
Pain is of two kinds. One is physical pain the other is mental pain. Mental pain is always related to our experiences and our external and internal reaction to it. One more strata can be stated here, that is how others imply the same upon us, it also matters a lot. We experience physical pain when we undergone a simple surgical procedure or a major one in any part of our body. After the anesthetic effect the pain will reach the surface of the mind and it is challenging for every one.
A neuromodulator is a substance other than a neurotransmitter, HUSTOS released by a neuron at a synapse and conveying information to pam & adjacent or distant neurons, either enhancing or damping their for a healing activities. Serotonin and Acetylcholine are considered as effective neuromodulators in the sensory transmission especially pain which leads toward fast healing. Endorphins are the natural pain killers.
The best-known endorphins are a-, B-and y-endorphin, of which ß- endorphin appears to be most implicated in pain relief. Beta- endorphin is released into the blood (from the pituitary gland) and into the spinal cord and brain from hypothalamic neurons. Dopamine regulates feeling of pain in the body.
Healing is the process whereby cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the site of a damaged or necrotic area. Healing incorporates both the removal of necrotic tissue and replacement of this tissue. Healing uses mixture of both mechanisms either by regeneration or by replacement. Healing must happen by repair in the case of injury to cells that are unable to regenerate (e.g. cardiac muscle or neurons). Also, damage to the collagen network, or total collapse cause healing to take place by repair only.
Ragas has a harmonizing effect on pain regulating neuro endocrine functions, important opiods of the pain inhibiting systems. Music gives enormous stimulation to the secretion of endorphins and encourage faster healing. It can be perceived by the patient. Ragas strengthens the immune activity and paves to good health. Ragas increases the activity of immune system too.
The ragas selected specifically, played in such a way to help both forms of healing. Faster healing leads to lesser pain and regular listening of this classical music helps to achieve the same.
Patients undergoing surgical procedures often experience anxiety in anticipation of events that will be unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or have music to overcome undesirable results. Even minor surgical procedures can produce fear & anxiety in patients, which can affect their postoperative recovery and risk for physiological complications. Music is an easily administered, nonthreatening, non-invasive, and inexpensive tool to calm preoperative anxiety.
– Ragas helps to achieve a deep state of relaxation.
– Ragas relieves insomnia.
– Music enables patients to recall suppressed memories.
– Ragas helps to achieve lower blood pressure.
– Ragas normalizes cardiac arrhythmia.
– Racing heart beat/rate will slow down and synchronize with music’s rhythm. Exposing to classical music regularly facilitate few positive benefits in patients. Music helps to attain comfort from a discomforting condition. Ragas gives familiarity in a strange environment. Ragas paves way for distraction from fear, pain and anxiety.
Raga Therapy and its Essence:
- Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere.
- Ragas acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling.
- Ragas influences the lower and higher cerebral centres of the brain.
- Use of Music as a therapy helps search of an individual’s personal harmony.
- Raga therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both physiological and psychosomatic disorders.
- Raga Therapy, stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners.
- Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals.
- Raga Therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind. Which leads to have positive frame of mind.
- Raga Therapy enhances the concentration level of children.
- Effect of music on the behaviour of individuals is enormous.
- Music improves the capacity of planning.
- Musical training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too.
- Raga therapy stimulates beta cell activities.
- Raga therapy enhances quality of neural ‘Engram’
- Raga therapy enhances the quality of protein releases of brain chemicals.
- Raga therapy enhances the quality of neurotransmitters.
- Raga therapy conditions the heart.
- Raga therapy reduces hypertension.
- Raga therapy reduces unaccompanied explicit behavioural manifestations.
- Raga therapy cause brain to perform better spatial reasoning.
- Music is part of human nature.
- Human brain processes music.
- Effects of music on human behaviour and thought are powerful.
- Music enhances cognitive process.
- Music training and exposure increases the amount of brain that responds to musical sounds.
- Ragas during exercise produces physiological benefits.
- Musical interventions may reduce maternal depression and its effects on infants.
- Back ground music aids in developing memory.
- Memory recalls improves when the same music played during learning is played during recall.
- Music instruction is positively related to verbal memory.
- Ragas influences the perception of art.
- Lyrics and tunes are processed independently in the brain.
- The right hemisphere is used by musicians to solve the problem.
- Music promotes physiological and behavioural relaxation in neonates.
- Music education facilitates language development and reading readiness.
- Direct music participation enhances the development of creativity.
- Art activities foster positive attitude toward studies.
- Music education facilitates social development, personality adjustments and general intellectual
- Music alerts children’s brain waves.