@ music therapy
“To be rendered effective, Ragas are used in a combination with Ayurveda, the ancient science of Vedic healing.”
@ Music Therapy
About Music Therapy
Music Therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of Individuals. After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, the qualified music therapist provides the indicated treatment including creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music. Through musical involvement in the therapeutic context, clients’ abilities are strengthened and transferred to other areas of their lives. Music therapy also provides avenues for communication that can be helpful to those who find it difficult to express themselves in words. Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in many areas such as: overall physical rehabilitation and facilitating movement, increasing people’s motivation to become engaged in their treatment, providing emotional support for clients and their families, and providing an outlet for expression of feelings.
Raga Jogiya, Bhairavi, Malhar, Darbari are no longer just music to the ears, but also a form of treatment, recovery, prevention and improvement. Rejoice ! the melodious Indian classical music is being used to affect miraculous cures, for quicker post operative recovery, treating infertility, preventing natal handicaps in new-born as also to develop concentration and memory in youth and children.
The ragas of Indian classical music are classified according to ‘Pahar’ (the time period of a day), and the therapy mandates hearing the raga in the ordained Pahar only. For example hyperactive people are prescribed morning ragas. The morning ragas are those that should be listened to in the morning. These include Raga Jogiya, Bhairavi, Todi, Bilash Todi and Lalit etc. The afternoon ragas consist of Soodh Sarang, Jaunpuri, Bhim Palasi with Raga Yaman, Bihag, Kalyan and Sudh Kalyan constituting the evening Ragas. The night ragas would include Darbari Kanada and Adana.
Music therapy is being used extensively in a hospital here for patients of neurology and gynecology departments with amazing results. Dr prakash khaitan, neurosurgeon here says, “we are using music therapy along with medicines and it has been seen that the recovery has been much faster than with just medicines.” He recounts recent cases where post operative recovery has been quicker due to music therapy. “i operated a 60-year-old woman who was suffering from haemaephalagia (half body is paralyzed). She was given music therapy along with the medicines and we saw that she regained consciousness, vision, sensations and movement of body parts much faster than in earlier cases the recovery period came down to nearly half, he recalled. Dr khaitan mentions another case of an agitated 40-year-old male patient with a severe head injury. “we performed act scan on him and as we were preparing for the operation, we played music which had a becalming effect on him. A repeat scan immediately thereafter showed reduced inflammation in brain which implies that music therapy leads to some kind of activation of brain cells. These indications are extremely encouraging,” he gushes. Many ailments can be cured with music only. Raga Bhargavi helps in curing asthma and cold as also sleeplessness. Raga Malhar, Raga Sorath, Raga Jaijiwanti are used to get rid of mental stress. Further, Raga Sarang cures headache, Raga Darbari improves heart condition, Raga Pancham reduces stomach disorders and Raga Shivranjini enhances memory. To energize the body, refresh the mind, to mitigate migraine and even in treatment of psychiatric cases like insomnia, music therapy is very effective. “in severe cases we start the therapy with only instrumental music which is later upgraded to vocal music, informs,” Dr. Sucheta.
“We recommend that the patient should listen to the music during the advised time period with a headphone. In operative recovery cases, we give the music therapy to patients twice a day (mornings and evenings). Usually each session is an hour long. The room should be dark and if that is not possible then eyes should be covered with a dark colored eye band. The patient should be comfortable so that musical vibrations seep into the body,” she adds.
Music therapy treatment being imparted & getting success Since 1993 music to Enhance Concentration and Memory.
- Music to overcome depression.
- Music therapy for Diabetic.
- Music to overcome fear & anxiety.
- Music for heart.
- Music for peace of mind.
- Music for pregnancy & babies.
- Music for sleep & relaxation.
- Music to overcome stress & strain.
- Music to enhance intellect & creativity.
- Music to reduce pain.
- Music to overcome headache & migraine.
Raga Therapy and its Essence …
- Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere.
- Ragas acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling.
- Ragas influences the lower and higher cerebral centres of the brain.
- Use of Music as a therapy helps search of an individual’s personal harmony.
- Raga therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both physiological and psychosomatic disorders.
- Raga Therapy, stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners.
- Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals.
- Raga Therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind. Which leads to have positive frame of mind.
- Raga Therapy enhances the concentration level of children.
- Effect of music on the behaviour of individuals is enormous.
- Music improves the capacity of planning.
- Musical training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too.
- Raga therapy stimulates beta cell activities.
- Raga therapy enhances quality of neural ‘Engram’
- Raga therapy enhances the quality of protein releases of brain chemicals.
- Raga therapy enhances the quality of neurotransmitters.
- Raga therapy conditions the heart.
- Raga therapy reduces hypertension.
- Raga therapy reduces unaccompanied explicit behavioural manifestations.
- Raga therapy cause brain to perform better spatial reasoning.
- Music is part of human nature.
- Human brain processes music.
- Effects of music on human behaviour and thought are powerful.
- Music enhances cognitive process.
- Music training and exposure increases the amount of brain that responds to musical sounds.
- Ragas during exercise produces physiological benefits.
- Musical interventions may reduce maternal depression and its effects on infants.
- Back ground music aids in developing memory.
- Memory recalls improves when the same music played during learning is played during recall.
- Music instruction is positively related to verbal memory.
- Ragas influences the perception of art.
- Lyrics and tunes are processed independently in the brain.
- The right hemisphere is used by musicians to solve the problem.
- Music promotes physiological and behavioural relaxation in neonates.
- Music education facilitates language development and reading readiness.
- Direct music participation enhances the development of creativity.
- Art activities foster positive attitude toward studies.
- Music education facilitates social development, personality adjustments and general intellectual
- Music alerts children’s brain waves.
- Ragas produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without
F.A.Q. [Music Therapy]
What music therapy is used for?
Benefits of music therapy include improved heart rate, reduced anxiety, stimulation of the brain, and improved learning. Music therapists use their techniques to help their patients in many areas, ranging from stress relief before and after surgeries to neuropathologist such as Alzheimer’s disease.
How does music therapy work?
Music therapy touches all aspects of the mind, body, brain and behaviour. Music can provide a distraction for the mind, it can slow the rhythms of the body, and it can alter our mood, which in turn can influence behaviour. Trained and certified music therapists work in a variety of healthcare and educational settings.
How effective is music therapy?
Over all, music therapy decreases pain perception, reduces the amount of pain medication needed, helps relieve depression in pain patients, and gives them a sense of better control over their pain. Improving quality of life for people with dementia.
What is the meaning of music therapy?
Music therapy based on engagement in musical activities : the therapeutic use of music (as to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, promote physical rehabilitation, or enhance interpersonal communication) that typically involves listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music.
What illnesses does music therapy treat?
Dr. Sucheita shares the 6 (six) major health benefits of music therapy:
- Music therapy reduces anxiety and physical effects of stress
- It improves healing
- It can help manage Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
- Music therapy reduces depression and other symptoms in the elderly
- It helps to reduce symptoms of psychological disorders including schizophrenia
- Music therapy improves self-expression and communication
What are the benefits of music therapy?
Music therapy is used to aid in physical discomfort by improving respiration, lowering blood pressure, improved cardiac output, reduced heart rate and relaxed muscle tension. For mental health, this form of therapy is great for reducing stress’ common negative side effects, such as emotional and behavioural problems.
When Should music therapy be used?
Music therapy is used to treat patients suffering from a wide variety of ailments. It is not only used as a technique to treat emotional or mental issues, but it has even been shown to be effective in helping to treat patients suffering from physical ailments.
Is Music Therapy more effective than medicine?
Listening to music was also found to be more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before surgery (Trends in Cognitive Sciences, April, 2013). … Music also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. “This is one reason why music is associated with relaxation,”
Is music therapy scientifically proven?
The ability to affect your emotions is one reason why music therapy was first used in a medical setting. … Science has proven that music releases mood enhancing chemicals into our body which music therapists can capitalize on to aid in the medical treatment of patients.
Does music cure depression?
Music therapy is known to do wonders for people who have depression. … According to a 2011 study published in the British Journal of Psychiatrist by Finnish researchers, music therapy plus standard care shows steady improvement in depressive symptoms among the depressed than those just receiving standard care.
How music therapy helps anxiety?
Listening to music can help relieve stress and anxiety. It may also improves mood and help with one’s overall well-being. When the body is stressed, it may feel tense and tight. … In fact, music therapy is often used with progressive muscle relaxation to reduce anxiety.
How music therapy can relieve depression?
Music therapy, an intervention that involves regular meetings with a qualified music therapist, may help improve mood through emotional expression. … Music therapy seems to reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety, and helps to improve functioning (e.g., maintaining involvement in jobs, activities, and relationships).
What type of music therapy reduces stress?
Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet classical music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.
Can music therapy heal the brain?
Music can restore some of the cognitive functions, sensory and motor functions of the brain after a traumatic injury. Music does more than just put us in a good mood. It’s a wonder drug that sets a lot of things right: It energises your mind, eases stress, evokes emotions and soothes your soul.
How music therapy affects the brain?
Research has revealed that music stimulates all areas of the brain. Because of this, music directly affects our senses, making it a multi-sensory experience, involving the auditory, visual, and tactile senses. As a result, music can have a direct impact on an individual’s physical, emotional, and cognitive functioning.
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