Gharana ...
Sucheta Rakshit was born at sambalpur Orissa. Her father was an engineer turned dramatist in All India radio orissa. Late Aruni Kumar Rakshit son of Late Dr Rajanikanta Rakshit. Her father was grand son of Late Bilashini Prasad who was a percussionist and dramatist with his won drama group (Tattu Natya Dal) her early guru was her taima ( her fathers elder brother’s wife) taima Suchitra Dutta Rakshit is a classical singer, All India Radio, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Sucheta Rakshit also took her ingural training in hindustani Vocal from Smt Charulata Mishra, A disciple of Late Pt. Vinayak Pattavardhana from 1980 to 1988 In Gwalior Ghararia. Sucheta learnt dhrupad from Prof Shree Arun Bhattachatya of Rabindra Bharati University from 1988 to 1994. Kolkata. She learnt kheyal some times from late Gopal Ch Das, Smt Meera Duttaray in Vishnupur Gharana and Smt Seema Bhattachatya Patlyala Gharana disciple of Pt. Prasun Bandopadhya. Sucheta learnt from Ustad Maskoor Ali Khan and his brother Moobarak Au Khan in Kirana Gharana. Sangeet Research Academy Kolkata.
Sucheta took a long time training in dhrupad khandarvani and gouhar vani, style of DARBHANGA GHARANA originally had its root in Rajasthan in western India. Pandit Radhakrishna and kartaram who were disciples of Ustad Bhupad Than a descendant of the famous mughal court singer godly incarnated known as tansen, both Radhakrishna and Kartaram were called by Maharaja Madhav Singh of Darbhanga and they succeeded in producing a heavy downpour by singing Raga Megh. Sucheta is a true disciple of late Pt Vidur Mallik’s tradition (Darbhanga Gharana) Guru Pt Ram kumar Mallik and Pt Prem kumar Mallik top grade artist of All India Radio. She did her Phd Candidature register in 2003 under Dr Hirendranath Mukhopadoya Reader Rabindra Bharati University.

- Receiving National Scholarship from 1984-1991 awarded by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, Govt of India.
- Stood first in 1993 In the West Bengal Rajaya Sangeet Academy Clasical Dhrupad competition.
- Stood first and was selected for final round of AIR competition sponsored by AIR, Cuttack consecutively twice in 1993 and 1994 for National Level competition for Hindustani Vocal recital in Kheyal.
- Hyderabad-Vishnu Digambar Sangeet Competition organised by Indian Musical Society 1994 Received Ramesh Shastry Smruti Puraskar (All India Competition).
- Selected for the award of scholarship by West Bengal Rajya Sangeet Academy in Dhrupad.
- Stood first in District Level Netaji Subhas Yuva Utsav, 1995.
- Participated in State Youth Festival in Hindustani Vocal, 1996.
Stood first in number of competitions in the school level and district level music competitions throughout school career. - Topper in State level Inter-district Hindustani vocal music competition in the Youth Festival held at Bhubaneswar in December 1998.
- Represented Orissa in National Youth festival Music competition held in Lucknow from 12 to 16th. January 1999.
- Topper in the U.P.S.C. Recruitment Test and had been appointed as Manager/Producer in S & D.D. ,Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
- Honored with the State Youth award for creative and outstanding contribution in the field of vocal Indian Classical Music by M. Orissa.
- Honored with “Pratibha Award”1998.
- “Sadhana Award” in memory of late Gopal Ch Das Smruti Samman.2005
- “Sanskarika Swara Sanjibani Bisuba Samman”-2o14 Orissa.
- Appointed as Honorary Adviser for the Indian Board of Education and Research, Kolkata.2005
- Awarded Gold Medal in Alternative Medicine by Indian Board of Education and Research on 7th April 2005 in International Seminar on Education for ‘World Peace at Kolkata.
- Awarded Gold medal in International Seminar on Holistic Medicine & Human Health on 24th Feb 2007 at Fakir Mohan University Orissa.
- Imparted Music Therapy to the backward students in Government Primary Schools, allotted by the education department of Odisha & appreciable result.
- All India Radio Artist in present time…
Performance, Lecture, Demonstration & Correspondence Done …
- Being invited by SGRABANI, Cuttack, I delivered my performance in Kheyal in 1991 at Sri Ramchandra Bhawan, Cuttack.
- In 1992 delivered in Obrupad at Suchana Bhawan, Bhubaneswar on the occasion of the Birth Day Celebration of Pt. Omkamath Thakur.
- Being Invited, performance delivered in Vocal Recital in Kheyal in a function organized by Ustad Bahadur Khan Music Circle, Kolkata.
- Given more than 3 performances in the monthly musical sitting conducted by Koshamba Sangeet Sabha, Balasore.
- Given Kheyal recital in different functions at Remuna and other places of Balasore district.
- On 20th December 1998, I have delivered vocal recital (Kheyal) in All India Classica
- Dance & Music Festival organized by E.Z.C.C., Director of Culture, Orissa and Dist. Cultural Council, Balasore at Balasore.
- Performed Kheyal Dhrupad Dhamar all around India, New Delhi, Patna, Kolkata, Lucknow, Varanasi, Bnnda van, Bhubaneswer, Cuttak, Bhadrak, Balasore, Hydrabad, Fakirmohan University Balasore.
- Allahabad University, Allahabad (lswar Saram College, Jagat Taram College, Allahabad) Asirvad Music school Allahabad.
- Usmarii University, Hydrabad.
- . Indragandhi open University, New Delhi.
- Mithili University, Mithili.
- Board of Education & research Alternative Medicine, Kolkata.

News Media
- Employment- News-English
- Sangeet Samachar-Odia
- Ajira Ghatana-Oriya
- Anupam Bhatata-Oriya
- Sambad- Oriya
- Des Patrika-Bengali
- Raipur Bhaskar-Hindi
- Hindustan-Hindi
- Abhinandan-Oriya
- T.V. Channel-Oriya
- Subha — Savera-Hindi
- T.V.-Oriya
- Times Of India-English Allahabad
- The States Man-English- Kolkata
- Times Of India-English – Bhubaneswar
- Khabar-Oriya
- The Samaj – Oriya Balasore
- Live India TV – Hindi
- Zee TV – Hindi
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